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Taking Care of Ourselves & Each Other

Health & Well-Being Resources

Frosh Opening, 2023. Credit: Nikolas Liepins / Ethography

Preparing to Apply

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Confirm Your Eligibility

Below are the general eligibility requirements for Community RA appointments.

Appointed Student Leaders Must

  • Have at least one year of guaranteed undergraduate housing remaining at the time of application for the residential student leader role.
  • Be a rising junior or senior (coterminal students who have not yet conferred a bachelor's degree and are eligible for undergraduate housing can apply)
  • Be a registered student and enrolled in classes at Stanford throughout their appointment.
  • Remain in good academic standing. Incompletes must be completed before the start of the appointment in September. If a residential student leader is placed on probation, provisional registration, or suspension during the appointment, this can be grounds for termination.
  • Be eligible to receive stipend payments associated with appointment, or be willing to forgo stipend (this may apply in particular to student athletes on full athletic scholarships). 
    • I-9 is not required to receive a stipend. 

Additional Information

Residential Education does not guarantee a single room as a result of receiving a placement upon the conclusion of the residential student leader selection process.

The length of appointment for student leader roles, both the Resident Assistant (RA) and Ethnic Theme Associate (ETA), is for all three quarters of the academic year beginning in autumn, continuing through winter, and ending in spring. Students considering study abroad opportunities during the academic year need to carefully choose between a study abroad opportunity and serving in a residential student leader role. 


Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.

Please take time to review the expectations of all student leaders as well as the position specific addendums for each role you are interested in. 

Frosh Opening, 2023. Credit: Nikolas Liepins / Ethography