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ResEd Student Leaders, 2023. Credit: Nikolas Liepins / Ethography

Expectations, Roles, and Compensation

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In order to create a sense of consistency and connection across campus, there are a number of expectations for residential student leaders that exist regardless of the position held. However, each house has a unique culture and set of needs that may require more specific responsibilities from the student leaders available. Student leaders possess a diverse set of skills and experiences that contribute to the vibrancy of Stanford's residential communities.

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.
Students connect on the Row, 2023. Credit: Andrew Brodhead /
Residential student leader positions paid by Residential Education are “academic appointments” (not “employment”).

Residential Student Leader Compensation

Residential student leaders paid by Residential Education will receive a quarterly stipend that will be disbursed at the beginning of each quarter (autumn, winter, and spring). Enroll in direct deposit to facilitate timely payment. Stipends will not automatically apply to the University bill; in order to use these funds to pay the bill, payment should be made through "My Bill," via Axess. Questions about the disbursement of stipends or the impact on financial aid packages should be directed to the Financial Aid Office. Student athletes interested in applying for a residential student leader position should confirm the impact of this compensation on their athletic eligibility by contacting the Compliance Services Office.

2024-25 Stipends for Residential Student Leaders

PositionAutumn QuarterWinter QuarterSpring QuarterTotal Annual Amount
Resident Assistant (Community & Operations)$4,400$4,000$4,000$12,400
Ethnic Theme Associate$4,400$4,000$4,000$12,400
ResEd Student Leader Training Celebration, 2023. Credit: Sydney Osifeso