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Taking Care of Ourselves & Each Other

Health & Well-Being Resources

Neighborhood Councils

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Neighborhood councils are governing boards of students, Resident Fellows and professional staff working together to make decisions for their local neighborhood.

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.

Neighborhood Council Structure

Neighborhood councils will be collaboratively led by the Neighborhood Program Director and a Resident Fellow Lead. Members of the council will include one student representative from each house, and neighborhood professional staff from Residential Education, Residential & Dining Enterprises, and Undergraduate Advising. These councils will address all aspects of the neighborhood and ensure a comprehensive integration of services and experiences including dining, facilities, design, and staffing, with regular, collaborative, and cross-functional meetings that foster mutually respectful dialogue.

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.

Neighborhood Council Duties

Some of the primary duties of the neighborhood councils include:

  • Establishing governance, oversight and practices that advance the core principles of the neighborhoods
  • Supporting neighborhood programs that foster continuity, belonging, and community
  • Utilizing the breadth of knowledge and expertise within the council to execute neighborhood programs and initiatives effectively
  • Evaluating student proposals for use of neighborhood funds
  • Identifying common area spaces in the neighborhood that can be used by students for events, gatherings and meetings
Students at Dragfest.

Join a Neighborhood Council

Are you interested in helping to shape the identity, spirit, and traditions of your neighborhood? 

Neighborhood Newsletters

Find what's happening in your neighborhood directly from your local neighborhood council including events, photos, important dates, and more!