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Exterior photo of 1018 Campus Drive.

alpha Kappa Delta Phi/Chi Omega

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alpha Kappa Delta Phi / Chi Omega is located in the northern part of campus at 1018 Campus Drive. It is easily accessible to the heart of the Farm. 

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.
Photograph of alpha Kappa Delta Phi members (Source: Stanford FSL)

alpha Kappa Delta Phi (Theme)

alpha Kappa Delta Phi (aKDPhi) is Stanford's first and the nation's largest and most established Asian American interest sorority. aKDPhi was first established in 1989 and the Zeta Chapter at Stanford University was established in 1993.

Collage of Chi Omega members (Source: Stanford FSL)

Chi Omega (Theme)

Chi Omega has been cultivating authentic friendships, scholars, and campus leaders at Stanford since 1915. Former ASSU presidents, Pac-12 champions, and accomplished scholars have called Chi Omega home.

Residential & Dining Enterprises

For more information about alpha Kappa Delta Phi/Chi Omega and other Greek residences visit the Residential & Dining Enterprises website.

The word "Rowan" repeated over a plain black background.