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Student Leader Training, 2024. Credit: Chris Tuite/Ethography

Get Involved

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Contribute to Stanford's communities. Explore Pre-Assignment, student leader selection, student internships, and more. 

Decorative accent featuring eight dots representing the eight Neighborhood colors.


Within the residential experience, students will find a number of opportunities to get involved and contribute to their community in dynamic ways, such as: pre-assigning, serving as a student intern or residential student leader, and more. Some of Stanford’s residences provide credit-bearing enrichment opportunities for pre-assignees and residents through residentially-based courses, and some are even open to the whole campus! 

Explore the Different Ways to Get Involved


Residents of each house on campus can customize their Stanford experience by engaging in what we call Dorm Government‚ or DormGov for short.

Neighborhood Councils

As a student representative, you will have the opportunity to serve as the liaison for your house and provide input and feedback on neighborhood programs and initiatives. 


Some of Stanford's on-campus residences offer special academic, cultural, social, or leadership programs. Explore all things Pre-Assignment here!

Resident Fellow Program

Explore the Resident Fellow (RF) Program in detail, including how to apply. 

Residential Student Leader Advisory Group

Our Residential Student Leader Advisory Group (RSLA) is a volunteer opportunity for current student leaders in the undergraduate residences. 

Student Internships

Student interns are an essential part of how we accomplish our vision of vibrant and connected undergraduate residential communities.

Student Leader Group Photo, 2024. Credit: Credit: Karen Hickey/Ethography for Stanford VPSA

Residential Student Leadership

Residential Education manages a robust student leader selection process to ensure both students and communities find a successful residential student leader team. We need committed undergraduate students passionate about constructing the livelihoods of our students within environments that are dynamic, socially engaging, and welcoming to a variety of identities. This section of our website has been set-up to help guide you through the selection process as well as share relevant information and dates to help you through the process.

Student Leader Training, 2024. Credit: Chris Tuite/Ethography